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iAccess Portlet
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Web Site Configuration

Header Styles

Header Graphic

The header for your web site can be customized by you. Choose a header from your computer by clicking the button to upload a file. The size of the file should be 1200px wide and no more than 200px in height. Acceptable formats are .gif, .jpg, and .png. For an example, see the header above. (Please note: uploaded graphics will not be available under the Preview Site view below.)


Choose a logo from your computer by clicking the button to upload a file.

Portlet Header Background Color

Click in the box, then select a color for the background of your portlet header.

Portlet Header Text Color

Click in the box, then select a color for the portlet header text.

Navigation Menu Background Color

Click the box to select a background color for the navigation menu.

Header Tags

Click in the box, then, select a color for your main header tags (H1).

Now select a color for your sub header tags (H2).

Finally select a color for your secondary header tags (H3 and smaller).

General Styles

Background Color

Click in the box, then select a color for the background of your web page.

Alternatively, choose a file from your computer that can be tiled for the background.

Click in the box, then select a color for the background of your content container (the main background you see right now).

Text Color

Click in the box, then select a text color for your site.

Link Color

Click in the box, then select a color for your links.

Hover Over Link Color

Click in the box, then select a color for your hover over links.


Click in the text box, then select a text color for your footer content.

Text Boxes/Forms

Click in the text box, then select a background color for all your text boxes and form elements.

Click in the text box, then select a color for all the text in your boxes and form elements.

Your Portlet
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Main Header


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam in urna a nibh facilisis volutpat. Aenean eget dolor mauris. Aliquam nunc elit, pharetra vitae laoreet id, gravida sed lectus. Mauris urna metus, eleifend quis vulputate ac, placerat a metus. Quisque ante erat, aliquam et tincidunt vitae, semper vitae dolor. Nunc a nunc enim.

H3 Head

Curabitur scelerisque magna sed turpis interdum aliquam. Vivamus et lacus vitae urna auctor porta. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi cursus accumsan erat eget blandit. Sed leo diam, molestie vel faucibus nec, dictum vitae lacus. Cras varius, mi quis molestie tincidunt, elit nisl tristique ipsum, eu rhoncus nunc odio quis dui. Donec vitae condimentum nunc.

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